Friday, April 20, 2007

Beard: "Very Nice"?

So I'm growing a bit of a beard in support of the Tampa Bay Lightning and their current playoff run. Not sure how they're related, but it makes me feel like part of the team. So, is it naughty or nice? Obviously female opinion matters more than male but please feel free to comment either way. Toodles!


Joshua Green said...

Grow a mullet too!!! ~:-D

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as I'm the one who has to kiss you, I think my opinion should matter the most! Personally, I don't mind the looks of it (if you're into that homeless thing), but I really do not care for the feel of it. You asked, so I told! I'll get you a Lightening t-shirt; that might make you feel like part of the team too! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey look it's Al from Tool Time! Seriously, it think it looks good, very manly. As long as it isn't permanent. It must come off once Alli gets tired of cleaning pubs out of the bathroom sink.

Anonymous said...

i am all for facial hair. i encourage it at all costs. and why shouldn't your face match the rest of your hairy ape body? just kidding of course mike perno. you are well-groomed in all areas - trust me, i know from experience. (not really, but you can imagine what it'd be like if i did!)

Anonymous said...

i think it is extremely scary and you look like harry from harry and the hendersons but im NOT the one who kisses you so who cares

Anonymous said...

Mike..You are so funny! So, the reason that I always see you making funny faces in your office is because you are taking pictures of yourself!! (I work in the office next to Mike's and we share a window between us) Like Alli, I am also married to a hairy beast, so I can definitely relate to the way a hairy face feels when it rubs on you (nothing says romance like fuzzy shoulders :)

Anonymous said...

You know who I hope does not grow a beard???? Steve Orlando.

Nick Jones said...

You look like one of those homeless guys at the St Pete tent park.