Thursday, April 05, 2007

Free Xbox 360

Ok, here we go...I'm sucking up some pride and asking everyone that reads this to take 10 mins out of your day to check this out. Here's what to do:

1) Click this link, and you'll be taken to the site, but it's my referral link so that I get credit for when you sign up. They don't require any info besides the standard address, email, etc. They haven't sent me any spam at all yet, so they seem to be a pretty good company.

2) When signing up, you'll be asked if you would like a Referral Account or Points Account. I choose Referral Account since it's easier and a better deal, so go ahead and pick that one. You can change in the future if you'd like.

3) After signing up, you should complete an "offer". I've had 5 people complete offers so far, and the most popular offer was since it doesn't require any initial investment. is a website that allows you to print REAL postage from your printer at home with their proprietary software.

4) To complete the offer, just click on the offer, fill out the info along with your credit card information (they need this in case you would like to stay as a member after your free 30 day trial), then download the application. Open the program, print out a stamp or a mailing label, and you're done!

After that, make sure to call to cancel your account, unless you would like to keep your account, then by all means please do.

5) Other offers my friends did were, (game rentals) and

6) That's it! If you want to get a free Xbox 360 or a free gift card, then just have some of your friends or family sign up for an offer through your referral link, and you're on your way! I got my first 5 referrals in a matter of 2 days, you just have to make a list of people that may be willing to help you, and contact them about it.

Any questions? Please email me at mikepernecky (shift2) gmail d0t com, or just call my cell phone if you know me. Thanks for your help, it's GREATLY appreciated!


Icedragon872 said...

Yes these sites are very helpful. I am waiting on my gift at 3604free. I should be receiving it in 1 week. Meanwhile, my second referral link at 360elite4free is .. , if anyone would like to do an offer there.

- Thank you

Anonymous said...

Good luck! How many refs do you have so far?

Perno said...

Just looked over some of my blog posts and realized I've had my "free" Xbox 360 for over 2 years. What a great deal that was!